[Xastir] Tiger2006 - dbfawk

Lee Bengston lee.bengston at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 23:38:08 EDT 2007

Hello all,

Jim T. showed me a screen shot of the "dbfawked" shapefile map he got from a
local office in Burnett County, WI.  I compared it to a Tiger2006_SE map,
and although the lakes seem to be all there in the Tiger version, none of
the lake names appear on the map.  When I opened up the polygon dbf file in
a spreadsheet, I found a column that had the lake names in it.  Does this
mean when I read up a bit more on dbfawk I can find a way to tweak the
existing dbfawk file to get the lake names to show up?

On dbfawk, what does it take to build dbfinfo - possibly "make dbfinfo" from
inside the shapelib config directory?  Also, on the alternative testawk - I
can see the testawk executable file, but it does not appear to be
installed.  I get a "not found" type of message when I try to testawk


Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX

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