[Xastir] digipeater coverage plots
Alex Carver
kf4lvz at yahoo.com
Sun May 11 12:05:28 EDT 2008
Not quite the implementation you're talking about but what about using Splat (http://www.qsl.net/kd2bd/splat.html)? It can generate a line-of-sight coverage map for you very easily. You could start with the base station, find the gaps in coverage, then deploy your fill-in digipeaters in those gaps.
Splat uses data from a Space Shuttle topography mission to get terrain data for the predictions. It'll also use information about the soil conditions to adjust propagation.
--- On Sun, 5/11/08, Dick Repasky <dick.repasky at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Dick Repasky <dick.repasky at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Xastir] digipeater coverage plots
> To: "Users Xastir" <xastir at xastir.org>
> Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 10:41 AM
> I'm interested in plotting digipeater coverage, and this
> message can be
> viewed as a feature request or a request to know where it
> has been
> implemented.
> Our ARES and RACES groups often support bicycle rides,
> runs, and relay
> races that take us out into the county far from digipeaters
> and often
> into hilly terrain. To fill gaps in coverage we deploy
> fill-in
> digipeaters. If we could plot coverage of digipeaters, we
> could more
> easily judge our fill-in digi's and possibly move them
> to better locations.
> Coverage could be constructed from incoming packets. The
> first digi on
> the packet path is the first digipeater to pick up the
> packet, and the
> packet location provides the coordinates of a place that is
> covered by
> the digipeater.
> Coverage could be plotted using convex polygons that
> enclose the set of
> pick-up points for each digipeater. Polygons for different
> digi's could
> be colored differently. And, points of pick-up locations
> could be
> plotted using the same color as the polygon, jittered
> slightly to make
> visible instances in which two digi's pick up the same
> packet. Ideally,
> locations would be stored over some period of time,
> rather than
> working with only the most recent station reports.
> Does anyone know where this idea has been implemented? Is
> the xastir
> crew interested in implementing it?
> Thanks,
> Dick Repasky
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