[Xastir] Xastir FreeBSD port for tracking CVS.

Carl Makin carl at stagecraft.cx
Fri Dec 18 23:57:57 EST 2009

Hi Bob,

On 19/12/2009, at 2:19 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> What's wrong with just using CVS to update to the latest.  It works  
> with OS X, which is sort of FreeBSD-ish.

It does use CVS to download the latest.  The port just wraps it all up  
making it very easy and integrates it with the packages system on your  
host so a pkg_info will show you that xastir is installed and allow  
you to (reasonably) cleanly deinstall it.

It turns a manual CVS install into;

mkdir src
cd src
fetch http://www.stagecraft.cx/software/xastir-devel.tar.gz
tar -xvzf xastir-devel.tar.gz
cd xastir-devel
make config
make install

which will drag in all dependencies and allow you to configure  
Xastir's compile time switches as you like.

Then when you want to update to the latest CVS version you just go;

cd xastir-devel
make deinstall
make reinstall

and if you want to change an option, like enable GeoTIFF for example,  
you can just do a

make config
    change options
make deinstall
make reinstall

and it's up and going, including installing libgeotiff if it wasn't  
already installed.

I imagine xastir developers and other more advanced unix users won't  
bother with it, but for someone using FreeBSD who may not be that  
advanced it will make it much easier.


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