[Xastir] WMS need help

Kai Gunter Brandt kai.brandt at cih.uib.no
Tue Jun 15 08:02:06 EDT 2010

I have created a file called statskart.geo with the following content:


And in the log for xastir i get:
xastir: Improper image header 
`/home/kgb/.xastir/map_cache/map_1276600986.png' @ png.c/ReadPNGImage/2923.

I have tried GIF, TIF and PNG in the URL with no luck.
checking the map_cache directory it seems that the file is not there.

One other question. When changing a GEO file do i need to restart xastir 
or just re-index the map?

The testcall is working:


Kai Gunter

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