[Xastir] No install

Hank Lambert hank at hanklambert.com
Sun Jan 16 19:19:08 EST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: xastir-bounces at lists.xastir.org
[mailto:xastir-bounces at lists.xastir.org] On Behalf Of Lee Bengston
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 5:53 PM
To: Xastir - APRS client software discussion
Subject: Re: [Xastir] No install

I went through the installation notes (that I wrote last summer, by the
way), and I found the issue.  In the latest version of PCLinuxOS 2010, when
the user gets the terminal in root mode by issuing "su" followed by the root
password, the terminal ends up in the root directory instead of staying in
the directory it was in prior to issuing, "su".

That's why I used sudo instead of su when installing it on Linux Mint via
cvs. Made it a lot easier by not having to remember where I am and
navigating back to that location to continue with the install.


Hank Lambert
hank at hanklambert.com
kb4mto at winlink.org
PGP Key: 0x96D33D71

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