[Xastir] PHG settings, and filtering excessive Wides

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Sep 29 16:59:34 EDT 2011

On 9/29/2011 4:23 PM, Kelly Boswell wrote:
> 2.)   During a bike race last weekend I saw a mobile station running Wide 1-1, Wide 4-4 get gated through me.    I'm fine with the 1-1part.  But, I'd like to  filter out stations running anything higer than Wide 3-3.  How do I do that in Xastir?

Personally, while I certainly wouldn't want to digipeat such an abusive 
path, I wouldn't mind IGating it.  If you filter it out, the owner of 
the station will either a) make it even bigger, or b) crank up the power 
because s/he isn't "getting to aprs.fi".  The only positive thing the 
filter might do is save a few Kbytes/week of packet flow to the APRS-IS 
which certainly doesn't mean much these days.

Now, if there were a way to gate such stations from RF to -IS but 
prevent any -IS to RF gating from occurring, that'd be fine by me with 
the justification that I "refuse to use such a long path so there's no 
way for me to know if the packet would get to you".

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

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