[Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Wed May 16 07:31:54 EDT 2012

On Tue, 15 May 2012, David A. Ranch wrote:

>     ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/libgeotiff"

Here's the "configure.suse" script that I use:

     ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/libgeotiff"

> There are a lot of other options available in the help for configure but I 
> don't know if those options are being enabled by default or not
>  - Is GraphicsMagick recommended over ImageMagick?

Generally yes, unless IM works better on your system.  Usually GM works better and is more stable long-term.

>  --with-motif-libs :: are these on by default?

Yes.  Without them the GUI doesn't work.

>   --with-postgis            Enable Postgresql with PostGIS 
> <------------------- Is it a good idea to enable the database functionality 
> (postgres or MySQL)?
>  --with-mysql              Enable MySQL, with spatial support if available.
>  --with-bdb-libdir=DIR     Berkeley DB lib files are in DIR
>  --with-bdb-incdir=DIR     Berkeley DB include files are in DIR

I'd leave the postgres/mysql options alone.  As I recall that was some experimental code that hasn't been fully fleshed out yet.  I may be wrong though.  I think it was intended to flush the current station info out to the database so that when you restarted it pulled the old data back in to the map.

Berkeley DB options:  You should only need those if Xastir isn't finding the libs or include files for it.

> I also noticed that "Davis WX" is not enabled by default (it's also not in 
> the same section with all the other features)

I would only enable that in the case where someone was actually using a Davis WX station.  Same for LaCrosse.  Most people don't have such equipment and/or don't set up all the other stuff needed to use them with Xastir.

> So after all this, and everything shows up as a "Yes" in the configure stage 
> yet OSM Mapnik still doesn't work though it downloads the tiles but 
> everything else works..

I'm using the OSM_tiled_mapnik.go here.  The tiled options work much better/faster than the earlier options where the entire map was downloaded each time.

> *** Done with WX Alert log files
> TBD: I don't think we can deal with colorspace != RGBTBD: I don't think we 
> can deal with colorspace != RGBTBD: I don't think we can deal with colorspace 
> != RGBTBD: I don't think we can deal with colorspace != RGB

I'm not seeing that TBD message here.  Perhaps you're running your screen in 8-bit or 24-bit mode?  Try 16 or 32-bit mode instead.  There aren't enough bits in 8-bit to make nice maps, although I used to run it this way on Solaris years ago.  I seem to remember there may be some issues with 24-bit screens as well.

You can try removing the imagemagick-devel package and installing graphicsmagick and graphicsmagick-devel, then configure;make;make install to see if it works better for you.  If both are installed, Xastir will choose GM over IM.

> The only other things I can think of is that I'm running a very new version 
> of ImageMagick-6.7.6.  Maybe something there?

Could be that, could be a non-functional version of libcurl.  You can remove the libcurl-devel package and install wget, then configure;make;make install again to see if that fixes it.

> Hmmm.. it seems like a bad design to hardcode in names like this

They're not hard-coded, they are in the .geo files.  You can add your own .geo files at any time, or edit the existing ones and change where they point.  There are a few older .geo files that trigger hard-coded URL's and methods in Xastir, but the OSM stuff doesn't.

>   http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TopOSM

Try creating a .geo file for it and test.

Curt, WE7U.        http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
APRS in Search and Rescue:  http://wetnet.net/~we7u/search_and_rescue.html

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