May 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 4 22:59:42 EDT 2012
Ending: Tue May 29 17:17:14 EDT 2012
Messages: 76
- [Xastir] Fwd: [Bug 999356] [NEW] xastir is missing a .desktop file
David A Aitcheson
- [Xastir] What's this output
Doug Alwine
- [Xastir] A few questions for the MacOS users. . .
Tate B
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] OSM shapefiles
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] OSM shapefiles
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Cloudmade maps
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] RAC Database
Jeff Brower
- [Xastir] RAC Database
Jeff Brower
- [Xastir] RAC Database
Jeff Brower
- [Xastir] Another question...
Chuck Byam
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Fwd: [Bug 999356] [NEW] xastir is missing a .desktop file
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Compile error with current cvs
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] can xastir v1.9.4 send objects --how?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] can xastir v1.9.4 send objects --how?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] A few questions for the MacOS users. . .
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] Another question...
Kurt Freiberger
- [Xastir] What's this output
Geoff Gatward
- [Xastir] Compile error with current cvs
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Compile error with current cvs
Rick Green
- [Xastir] can xastir v1.9.4 send objects --how?
MJ Inabnit
- [Xastir] can xastir v1.9.4 send objects --how?
MJ Inabnit
- [Xastir] Unsubscribe
Jim Darrough, KI7AY
- [Xastir] What's this output
James Jolin
- [Xastir] What's this output
James Jolin
- [Xastir] What's this output
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Another question...
Guy Story KC5GOI
- [Xastir] Cloudmade maps
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Another question...
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Another question...
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Another question...
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly
Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly (Curt, WE7U)
Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly (Curt, WE7U) (Tom Russo)
Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Advertising multiple objects with Xastir or Linux beacon?
David A. Ranch
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly (Curt, WE7U)
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly (Curt, WE7U)
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] What's this output
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] What's this output
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] What's this output
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] What's this output
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] What's this output
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Davis weather not posting rain totals properly (Curt, WE7U) (Tom Russo)
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Make output on xastir 2.0.1
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Compile error with current cvs
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] OSM shapefiles
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] RAC Database
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Advertising multiple objects with Xastir or Linux beacon?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Cloudmade maps
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Cloudmade maps
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Another question...
Joshua Smith
- [Xastir] A few questions for the MacOS users. . .
Jacob Tennant
- [Xastir] Another question...
Jacob Tennant
- [Xastir] Another question...
Jacob Tennant
- [Xastir] Fwd: [Bug 999356] [NEW] xastir is missing a .desktop file
davidf4 at
- [Xastir] RAC Database
- [Xastir] RAC Database
- [Xastir] RAC Database
Last message date:
Tue May 29 17:17:14 EDT 2012
Archived on: Wed May 6 18:29:52 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).