[Xastir] Quirks compiling Xastir on Centos6

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Sun May 20 02:44:58 EDT 2012

On Sat, 19 May 2012, David A. Ranch wrote:

> Yeah.. I haven't tried GM yet but the older version of IM seems to be working 
> well.  Is GM really that much faster, better, etc. than IM?

It's a fork of the IM code, so it is very similar, but seems to dot all the i's and cross the t's better than IM does for releases.  A bit more stable.

> Ok.. I'll give it a look but I take it that not many people use this feature 
> of Xastir?  Too bad Xastir can't just store this information in a flat file 
> and reload it upon restart.

It would be a lot of file access keeping it up-to-date.  No, most people don't know about this feature and don't use it.  I think it was in alpha stage last I recall.

> Yup.. I'll try that out.  Jerry, KA6HLD also turned me only some MapQuest 
> servers that offer tiled satellite images!  I'm going to try that one as well 
> and if I can get it to work, I'll see if I can upload the .geo to CVS.  I 
> think that would be a slick addition to Xastir.. that and maybe a merged 
> image + map view like how Google does it.

You can't upload via CVS unless you're listed as one of the developers on SourceForge.  You can submit it to a developer and have them bless it and commit it to CVS though.  Generally Tom Russo or myself are the best options for that.

> No.. not hard unless you want to do everything in RPMs (even the Perl 
> modules).  I've done all of that and there are also differences between 
> Centos5 and Centos6 that I've captured in my doc.

Roger.  I've done RPM's for OpenSuSE before, and in fact have a spec file and scripts I use to generate those.  Haven't done that in a while though.

Curt, WE7U.        http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
U.S. Weather Alerts:  Firenet.us, port 14580, filter "t/n e/WE7U-WX"

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