[Xastir] Cloudmade maps

Kurt Savegnago ksaves2 at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 19 12:58:58 EDT 2012

For several years, I've used the 2006 TAMU maps with Xastir.
I've downloaded the americas.osm.bz2.part.00 and part.01.
Is there a direct howto link as to installing these into Xastir?
I am using Xastir in Slackware and I compiled in support for every format 
that the compiler says is available.  When I do a ./configure  I see "yes" 
for support of all the file types.  I kept installing support for all the file types until I saw all the "no's" go away. :-) I'd like to have built in support for these map types so I don't have to have internet access when I out to track amateur rockets.

Being isolated I don't have access to other smart users but if anyone could
post the links with more specifics, I'd be much obliged.  Thanks.


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