[Xastir] Another question...
Jacob Tennant
wf8s at comcast.net
Sat May 26 16:58:04 EDT 2012
Ok that command ls /dev/cu returned nothing.
The command ls /dev/ returned the following…
acob-Tennants-Mac-mini:~ k8jwtennant$ ls /dev/
afsc_type5 ptyt5 ttyr0
auditpipe ptyt6 ttyr1
auditsessions ptyt7 ttyr2
autofs ptyt8 ttyr3
autofs_control ptyt9 ttyr4
autofs_homedirmounter ptyta ttyr5
autofs_notrigger ptytb ttyr6
autofs_nowait ptytc ttyr7
bpf0 ptytd ttyr8
bpf1 ptyte ttyr9
bpf2 ptytf ttyra
bpf3 ptyu0 ttyrb
console ptyu1 ttyrc
cu.Bluetooth-Modem ptyu2 ttyrd
cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync ptyu3 ttyre
disk0 ptyu4 ttyrf
disk0s1 ptyu5 ttys0
disk0s2 ptyu6 ttys000
disk0s3 ptyu7 ttys1
disk1 ptyu8 ttys2
disk1s1 ptyu9 ttys3
disk1s2 ptyua ttys4
dtrace ptyub ttys5
dtracehelper ptyuc ttys6
fbt ptyud ttys7
fd ptyue ttys8
fsevents ptyuf ttys9
io8log ptyv0 ttysa
io8logmt ptyv1 ttysb
klog ptyv2 ttysc
lockstat ptyv3 ttysd
machtrace ptyv4 ttyse
nsmb0 ptyv5 ttysf
null ptyv6 ttyt0
pf ptyv7 ttyt1
pmCPU ptyv8 ttyt2
profile ptyv9 ttyt3
ptmx ptyva ttyt4
ptyp0 ptyvb ttyt5
ptyp1 ptyvc ttyt6
ptyp2 ptyvd ttyt7
ptyp3 ptyve ttyt8
ptyp4 ptyvf ttyt9
ptyp5 ptyw0 ttyta
ptyp6 ptyw1 ttytb
ptyp7 ptyw2 ttytc
ptyp8 ptyw3 ttytd
ptyp9 ptyw4 ttyte
ptypa ptyw5 ttytf
ptypb ptyw6 ttyu0
ptypc ptyw7 ttyu1
ptypd ptyw8 ttyu2
ptype ptyw9 ttyu3
ptypf ptywa ttyu4
ptyq0 ptywb ttyu5
ptyq1 ptywc ttyu6
ptyq2 ptywd ttyu7
ptyq3 ptywe ttyu8
ptyq4 ptywf ttyu9
ptyq5 random ttyua
ptyq6 rdisk0 ttyub
ptyq7 rdisk0s1 ttyuc
ptyq8 rdisk0s2 ttyud
ptyq9 rdisk0s3 ttyue
ptyqa rdisk1 ttyuf
ptyqb rdisk1s1 ttyv0
ptyqc rdisk1s2 ttyv1
ptyqd sdt ttyv2
ptyqe stderr ttyv3
ptyqf stdin ttyv4
ptyr0 stdout ttyv5
ptyr1 systrace ttyv6
ptyr2 tty ttyv7
ptyr3 tty.Bluetooth-Modem ttyv8
ptyr4 tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync ttyv9
ptyr5 ttyp0 ttyva
ptyr6 ttyp1 ttyvb
ptyr7 ttyp2 ttyvc
ptyr8 ttyp3 ttyvd
ptyr9 ttyp4 ttyve
ptyra ttyp5 ttyvf
ptyrb ttyp6 ttyw0
ptyrc ttyp7 ttyw1
ptyrd ttyp8 ttyw2
ptyre ttyp9 ttyw3
ptyrf ttypa ttyw4
ptys0 ttypb ttyw5
ptys1 ttypc ttyw6
ptys2 ttypd ttyw7
ptys3 ttype ttyw8
ptys4 ttypf ttyw9
ptys5 ttyq0 ttywa
ptys6 ttyq1 ttywb
ptys7 ttyq2 ttywc
ptys8 ttyq3 ttywd
ptys9 ttyq4 ttywe
ptysa ttyq5 ttywf
ptysb ttyq6 urandom
ptysc ttyq7 vboxdrv
ptysd ttyq8 vboxnetctl
ptyse ttyq9 vmmon
ptysf ttyqa vn0
ptyt0 ttyqb vn1
ptyt1 ttyqc vn2
ptyt2 ttyqd vn3
ptyt3 ttyqe zero
ptyt4 ttyqf
Jacob-Tennants-Mac-mini:~ k8jwtennant$
Open for any suggestions…
Jacob Tennant - WF8S
On May 26, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Jacob Tennant <wf8s at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Ok I got my USB to Serial adapter connected
> what kind? different drivers have different naming conventions for
> the device special file.
>> but not sure what to place in Xastir when I am configuring the serial port TNC as far as port name or number?
> get a command prompt and do "ls /dev/cu.*" and see what turns up. You
> may want to do it once without the device plugged in and again after
> you plug it up.
> /dev/cu.xxxxx is preferable to /dev/tty.xxxxx
>> I tried tty0, tty1, tty2 but nothing ever happened.
> You need the full path to the device special file - e.g.
> /dev/cu.usbserial-00000000 is my FTDI adapter. Xastir doesn't add the
> "/dev/" for you.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
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