[Xastir] HOWTO

David Ranch xastir at trinnet.net
Sun Sep 29 21:28:15 EDT 2013

> And this is the best answer. The churn and constant, almost gratuitous 
> changes in Linux get old very quickly. I used to think LInux was so 
> much better than Windows, but now with all the upheaval in the 
> releases it has lost it's advantage. Linux has become a maintenance 
> hog. Why else would Google still be running it's entire server farm on 
> Fedora 6! Well, ... that, and it's entire operation runs in user-land. 
> This is my plug for using FreeBSD.

Well.. don't get too comfortable as the pending FreeBSD 10 changes a LOT:


We are playing around with it quite a bit at work and it has a ways to 
go but that's to be expected for being an Alpha release.


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