[Xastir] Regarding Offline OSM and dbfawk
Jason KG4WSV
kg4wsv at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 14:37:42 EST 2015
On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:38 PM, exi hmmm <happyexi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think we had a OSM/shapefile from http://download.geofabrik.de
> discussion in 2010 if I am not mistaking it was this one :-)
> http://lists.xastir.org/pipermail/xastir/2010-July/018372.html
> as far as I can remember the DBFAWK worked fairly well, but I think I
> used the AU DBFAWK for buildings... some work was stile missing for
> landuse and points.
> Take a look and see if it can be reused the example files that EI7IG
> made @http://www.ei7ig.org/xastir/dbfawk/
> <http://www.ei7ig.org/xastir/dbfawk/>
I haven't checked out this dbfawk, but I did download and poke around a bit
in the geofabrik shapefiles. Looks like the roads could be usable, and I
need to start with this dbfawk.
Unfortunately the other data (points, buildings, places, etc) in the
geofabrik files do not have unique dbfawk signatures, which seriously
hampers the use of a dbfawk. When I get a little time I may look and see
if a multifunction dbfawk could be created that looks at the "type" field
to handle customized displays, but such a file will be large and
complicated I'm sure.
My guess at that moment is that I'll probably try and use the roads from
geofabrik, but for the rest probably end up staying with the National Atlas
data (which is still available and maybe getting updated?) for larger scale
data (e.g. public lands boundaries, major waterways, county/state borders,
metro boundaries, etc). (sorry, I know this doesn't help non-US folks).
I would love to get topo data in shapefile format...
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