[Xastir] tactical call signs

Jason Godfrey godfreja at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 11:10:47 EDT 2016

I will second the warning about overly generic names. It doesn't even need
the internet to be a problem. I was the APRS operator for an MS150 Bike
Ride when one of our SAGs started appearing about 50-60 miles west of our
route. Odd, but not far enough out to be impossible if a driver got lost
enough(*). I was probably receiving it over internet, but it was well
within my ALOHA circle. It turns out there was another event using SAGs
with APRS. Next year we added two more characters to our SSIDs.

- Jason
(*) - A few years before as a SAG communicator I had to call net control to
ask where we were. So it could happen :-)

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 9:39 AM Curt Mills <curt.we7u at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you're talking tactical callsigns that you put into the callsign field
> on the tracker itself, it must be up to six uppercase letters and/or
> numbers plus an optional -0 to -15 SSID (nothing in SSID equals -0).
> Stay away from super generic callsigns like "LEAD", "TAIL", etc, so they
> don't conflict with someone else's tactical calls that day running a
> different event across the world. That way you won't have a conflict for
> anyone local who's following it with an internet-only connection, plus
> findu.com and aprs.fi won't ping-pong between the multiple events either.
> If you're talking about tactical callsigns assigned at the receiving side
> (and optionally re-transmitted to other APRS programs) then there are
> different rules, perhaps also different between different APRS programs.
> For instance you can assign Upper/Lower-case and numbers, probably some
> punctuation as well, up to 57 characters in Xastir using that method.
> Good luck. I hope your event goes very well!
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Jerry Wetherholt <
> mrfixit2003_975 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > its been a while since i did mods to aprs. what is a good format for
> > tactical call signs? we are going to be hosting bike ride upcomming
> months
> > and didnt know what we could use that would work on any aprs maps. we
> plan
> > on haveing things like lead vehicle, sag wagons and checkpoints. any
> > suggestions on how to format it in place of callsign on track units. we
> > have different makes open trackers and kpc setups
> >
> > jerry
> > kf5aok
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> --
> Curt, WE7U
> http://wetnet.net/~we7u
> http://www.sarguydigital.com
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