[Xastir] Anyone get Xastir to.......

Kurt ksaves2 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 9 12:21:36 PDT 2017

I got the thing to come up with Gnu/Root Debian. I used these instructions from Xda Developers: Guide: Installing and Running a GNU/Linux Environment on Any Android Device(Yes I know this gets scrubbed but perhaps moderator/owner can clear.)
I followed the instructions exactly except I just used lxde-core.  Synaptic package manager didn't work for me.  What you do is once you get everything installed like the instruction show,You fire up XSDL and minimize it.  The open GNU/Root Debian and type in these commands as shown: export DISPLAY=:0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp: &I gotta write a script for this like startx or something.  I then go back and call up XSDL that I previously minimized, it will start up X.  I used apt-get install Xastir and mc for Midnight Commander.  I still like MC.
Big tip:  Pair a B/T keyboard and mouse to your Android device.  It will be seen and called up from within XSDL.  Makes life a heck of a lot easier.
Next step I did is I simply setup an IS monitor and by golly Xastir started pulling the stations right off the internet!  Only thing I did was make sure my Android was connected via WiFi to the net.I didn't have to do anything to get GNU/Root or XSDL to "find" the internet.
XSDL I discovered has a startup screen you can tap and it will all you to do screen resolution and some rudimentary typefont sizing.
It is a bit slow but faster than Jessie on a Pocket CHIP. I'll have to load some of my mapfiles and see how Xastir behaves.  My next step would be if I can pair serial B/T peripherals so I canpull the NMEA strings off of them for plotting on Xastir.  I don't know if the internal GPS can be recognized or I'd have to pair an External B/T GPS.
Kinda neat that I have Debian running on top of a 7.1.2 Nougat kernel in a Nexus 7 2012 3G .  AOSP tilapia to be exact from July 2017
Any recommendations for a browser I can pull off with apt-get?  Kurt KC9LDH      


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