March 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Mar 1 18:56:23 EST 2009
Ending: Tue Mar 31 22:58:49 EDT 2009
Messages: 294
- [Xastir] Activity...
C. Griffin
- [Xastir] Activity...
Tate - KA7O
- [Xastir] Activity...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Activity...
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
Tapio Sokura
- [Xastir] Xastir Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] FW: Networking Xastir-Hardy VMWare under Vista
Chuck Byam
- [Xastir] FW: Networking Xastir-Hardy VMWare under Vista
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Steve
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] mac version of xastir yielding error
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Hayward
- [Xastir] mac version of xastir yielding error
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] mac version of xastir yielding error
C. Griffin
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Ronny Julian
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Ronny Julian
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Ronny Julian
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Ronny Julian
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Still having issues installing Please help
Rick Green
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Yet another linux/Winblows platform
Kurt A. Freiberger
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] LINUX Windows Printing Program
N9JCA Chris Matthews
- [Xastir] LINUX Windows Printing Program
Carl Makin
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Local offline maps
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Local offline maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Local offline maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] hangups after downloading updated NWS shape files?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
z z
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
George karayannis
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Centos 5.2 install
z z
- [Xastir] Beacon / message problem
z z
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
Brian Webster
- [Xastir] hangups after downloading updated NWS shape files?
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Beacon / message problem
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Local offline maps
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] maps, shp and jpegs
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Wiki permissions
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Wiki permissions
ka7o at
- [Xastir] Wiki permissions
Chuck Byam
- [Xastir] problems with Xastir-Hardy VM and vmware tools?
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Wiki permissions
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Running Xastir
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] D700 es D710
N9JCA Chris Matthews
- [Xastir] Binary downloads URL ?
Tony Hunt
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Online Tiger maps server?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Binary downloads URL ?
Tate - KA7O
- [Xastir] Xastir -- Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Online Tiger maps server?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Binary downloads URL ?
Tony Hunt
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Binary downloads URL ?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Xastir -- Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir -- Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac (OSX) Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac (OSX) Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Mac (OSX) Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Derrick Brashear
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Mac (OSX) Error: Unresolved inheritance operation
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Binary downloads URL ?
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Mark Cohen
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Brian Webster
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Bill Ramsey
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] readme.maps questions
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Screen shot sharing
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Brian Webster
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Brian Webster
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Bill Ramsey
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Screen shot sharing
Tom Hayward
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
George Karayannis
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
David Aitcheson
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
David Aitcheson
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
David Aitcheson
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] More Tiger maps questions
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Screen shot sharing
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] One more detail on the 2008 Tiger/Line maps
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] More detail on 2008 Tiger/Line shapefiles
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Xastir for MacOSX "Unresolved inheritance operation" solved?
George Moltz
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir for MacOSX "Unresolved inheritance operation" solved?
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir for MacOSX "Unresolved inheritance operation" solved?
Derrick Brashear
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir for MacOSX "Unresolved inheritance operation" solved?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Tapio Sokura
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Philip Webb
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Derrick Brashear
- [Xastir] New OSx user
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
J.L. Brower
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Derrick Brashear
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Good serial port comm program for linux
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB
Neville A. Cross
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Cygwin
Tom, ve7did
- [Xastir] Cygwin
David Flood
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Cygwin
Tom, ve7did
- [Xastir] fedora 10 problem
- [Xastir] fedora 10 problem
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] fedora 10 problem
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] pipe as TNC device?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] pipe as TNC device?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] pipe as TNC device?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] pipe as TNC device?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Xastir-1.9.5 compling error...
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] fedora 10 problem
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] lightweight window manager/desktop for linux?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] lightweight window manager/desktop for linux?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] lightweight window manager/desktop for linux?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] lightweight window manager/desktop for linux?
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] lightweight window manager/desktop for linux?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Making Maps
- [Xastir] Making Maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Making Maps
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Tom Hayward
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] [Fwd: [APRS] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets]
Jim Tolbert
- [Xastir] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets
Bruce W. Martin
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] OSX Options?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Live CD Wiki Updates
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets
Jeff Brenton KA9VNV
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir on OSX success!
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Xastir on OSX success!
Derrick Brashear
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Xastir on OSX success!
Stephen - K1LNX
- [Xastir] Xastir-Xubuntu Live CD/USB in Parallels on Mac
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Xastir on OSX success!
Mike Fenske
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Tom Hayward
- [Xastir] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Good, better, best non-attended APRS repeater/Igate equipment sets
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
David Aitcheson
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
Tom Hayward
- [Xastir] Update wiki re: VM
David Aitcheson
- [Xastir] Object/Callsign label colors
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Object/Callsign label colors
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
- [Xastir] Newbie APRS help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Object/Callsign label colors
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Google Maps or Earth?
Michael J. Wolthuis
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Brett Friermood
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Keith Kaiser
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Mac OSx Problems..... please help if you can
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
Larry Ewan
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] Google Maps or Earth?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Improving APRS messaging via Xastir (fwd)
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Symbol Set
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
AC7YY - Kim
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Placing Markers on map
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Any interest for custom Ubuntu Live CD
Lee Bengston
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 22:58:49 EDT 2009
Archived on: Wed May 6 18:29:31 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).