September 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Sep 3 18:49:24 EDT 2010
Ending: Wed Sep 29 11:37:00 EDT 2010
Messages: 263
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
David A Aitcheson
- [Xastir] Link two XASTIR boxes through the internet?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Denis Barton
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Debian Lenny / Mepis 8.x Binary Package
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Debian Lenny / Mepis 8.x Binary Package
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Can someone help fix an error in configuration
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Is the New Gpsd Data Format Used?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Is something going on?
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Debian Testing (Squeeze) HowTo Updated
Lee Bengston
- [Xastir] Is the New Gpsd Data Format Used?
Eldon Brown
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Eldon Brown
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
James Cameron
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Raster/Shapefiles (was Tiger maps?)
Alex Carver
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] cvs script
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Imagemagick & opensuse 11.2
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Imagemagick & opensuse 11.2
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir]
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] igate settings
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] KML to Xastir overlay.
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Is the New Gpsd Data Format Used?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Is the New Gpsd Data Format Used?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Problem with xastir 1.9.8
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Problem with xastir 1.9.8
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Stable Release forthcoming: Get your punches in now!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Is something going on?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Lynn W. Deffenbaugh
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Lynn W. Deffenbaugh
- [Xastir] Quick Ques.: OSM Maps from cache?
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Minor update and clean up to OSM tile code
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Is something going on?
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Fix released for OSM transparency with 16-bit quantums
Jerry Dunmire
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
James Ewen
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
David Flood
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
David Flood
- [Xastir] Imagemagick & opensuse 11.2
David Flood
- [Xastir] Right Click and hold
Brett Friermood
- [Xastir] igate settings
Chip G.
- [Xastir] KML to Xastir overlay.
Jason Godfrey
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Dean Groe
- [Xastir] Can someone help fix an error in configuration
Norman Heyen
- [Xastir] Can someone help fix an error in configuration
Norman Heyen
- [Xastir] KML to Xastir overlay.
Fred Hillhouse
- [Xastir] Learning to use CVS with Ubuntu
- [Xastir] cvs script
James Jolin
- [Xastir] cvs script
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Guy Story KC5GOI
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Station display in Xastir
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] xastir on ARM linux?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] Link two XASTIR boxes through the internet?
Jason KG4WSV
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Matt Kassawara
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Matt Kassawara
- [Xastir] Is something going on?
Denton K Larson
- [Xastir] Is something going on?
Denton K Larson
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] Station display in Xastir
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] here is the video
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] here is the video
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] I finally got it! REALLY!
Michael Lewis
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Carl Makin
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Carl Makin
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Jeremy McDermond
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Jeremy McDermond
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Learning to use CVS with Ubuntu
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Imagemagick & opensuse 11.2
Kent Noonan
- [Xastir] Imagemagick & opensuse 11.2
Kent Noonan
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Ben Ramler
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Ben Ramler
- [Xastir] Xastir, D710 & APRS
Ben Ramler
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Jason Rausch
- [Xastir] Link two XASTIR boxes through the internet?
Jason Rausch
- [Xastir] KML to Xastir overlay.
Robert Rogers
- [Xastir] KML to Xastir overlay.
Robert Rogers
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Right Click and hold
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Can someone help fix an error in configuration
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Correction: OOops. Re: libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Learning to use CVS with Ubuntu
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] SDR-CUBE
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Kurt Savegnago
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
Dale Seaburg
- [Xastir] Problem with xastir 1.9.8
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Problem with xastir 1.9.8
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
Arnie Shore
- [Xastir] Upgrade / Update 1.98 to 1.99 CVS
Jerry Stueve
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John P Terry
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John P Terry
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John P Terry
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John P Terry
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John P Terry
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Chase Turner
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Chase Turner
- [Xastir] OS X 10.6, Xastir and OT+
Chase Turner
- [Xastir] test
Chase Turner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] snag trying to install shapelib via source onto mac os X 10.5
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] libtiff / geotiff install hiccup
T Wegner
- [Xastir] Right Click and hold
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Right Click and hold
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Right Click and hold
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Xastir 1.9.9 help
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] I finally got it!
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Xastir Internet Server
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Maps Offline?
John Wilson
- [Xastir] Can someone help fix an error in configuration
n.heyen at
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
terrylj2 at
- [Xastir] Tiger maps?
terrylj2 at
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
ik jij
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
ik jij
- [Xastir] Convert from ozi explorer files to geo
ik jij
Last message date:
Wed Sep 29 11:37:00 EDT 2010
Archived on: Wed May 6 18:29:45 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).